Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blog Post Organizer

Last week I was on Homeschoolin Mama's Website and came across the most amazing post about organizing your blog posts!  A tool that I desperately need since I have so many things on my plate.  I am going to share with you my finished book and then you can click her website button at the bottom of this post to find the tools she has to offer for free right now.  But don't wait, she wont be offering them for free for long!

First you can see the awesome cover that she created!  I love how bright it is.  I may change it someday, but for now it is perfect.  I like these kinds of binders because when you are tired of how they look then you can create a new cover and just slip it into the sleeve!  

Next you can see the Weekly Blogging Schedule and I love this at a glace page.  I know what day I need to get what done and it has a great spot for things I need to be working on for next week too!  

I think my favorite page is the Brainstorming My Blog Ideas page.  I already have 7 pages of ideas!  Too much to ever get done, but enough to never have no idea of what to write about!

I also love the Blog Post Research page.  It gives me a place to put my notes for a specific blog post that I need to remember.  It is super handy!

There are more pages and I have them filed further back in my binder.  I hope you will go and check out what she has to offer because I love it and I know you will love it too.  It has already helped me stay on top of things (other than last week when we had family, ballet and tap rehearsals and recitals, lol).  I am already blogging more and that is awesome for me!  Thanks Homeschoolin Mama!!!

Homeschoolin Mama


Unknown said...

Oh, I'm so honored! It looks wonderful and I love your color coding on your Brainstorming Page! Awesome!!!! Thanks so much for sharing this!

Carri said...

Thanks Meg! You are an inspiration and I am thankful for the tools! They are wonderful! Be Blessed!!!