Thursday, December 8, 2011

October and November Update!

It has been a long couple months and I have been busy and missing writing and sharing our lives with you all.  Each and every time I would think about writing, I would not.  Procrastination!  Our worst enemy, for sure.

So Here I am, a couple months later and ready to get back into the flow of things.  I am going to share a couple updates of the last couple months.  They have been busy ones.

First we were visited by Halloween.  Not my favorite holiday but it was fun none-the-less.  We were able to have fun and praise the Lord through this holiday and it was a great time.

First we were on the hunt for the perfect pumpkin, so the trek began.  We went to Hunter's Farm this year.  Great place, check it out here --> Hunters  It was a wonderful place.  Not only nice pumpkins for great prices, but very nice people as well.  It was a great adventure!

First we enjoyed the goats and other animals they had around that we could watch.  This little guy was super cute and soft.  His mother was already pregnant again and often wanted to be petted first!  Her tummy was HUGE!  Haha... Then we got to ride on a wagon being pulled by a tractor.  She thought this was especially fun!

After that we were at one of the many pumpkin patches they had.  It was huge!  The search was on! How do you pick a pumpkin when there are soooooo many to choose from!

It was a successful day with  more than one pumpkin to bring home!  You will see them later.  First, I had fun taking pictures and here is my beautiful daughter with and awesome old red tractor!

We also had a lot of fun carving the pumpkins.  Our Muppin was not about to touch anything though.  Gross!  That is what daddies are for, didn't ya know???  They both had a blast together.

Super silly kids!  I mean both of them too!

This is the only pumpkin picture I have on this computer. Our other computer is being worked on so this is the only thing I can show you for now.  But I think it shows where our hearts were.  It was a great night.

Then it was time to celebrate Muppin's birthday.  It is only a couple days after Halloween and it is always difficult figuring out when to have her party.  It was a blast this year though.  She wanted it to revolve around horses, she loves horses!  So she dressed up like a cowgirl and we had a great friend loan us a saddle and stand along with hay to complete the atmosphere.  She had lots of friends come and the best surprise of all was that her gramma and grandpa were able to visit for a couple days.  That made it really special.  Here is a picture of our proud birthday girl!
Well, I have lots more photo's to share but I will call that it for now.  I will post some more stuff soon.  I am glad to be back with you all.  I love you and miss you!  God Bless and have a wonderful Christmas!

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